Mrs. Whitney Stringer

Teacher: Physical Science

Cheerleading Coach

Contact Information

Class Announcements

First Day of School Change

The first day of school has changed to August 24th due to a delay related to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Thu Aug 06 03:00 PM

Google Classroom Codes
Google Classroom Codes

Please join the class code that corresponds to your class schedule. If you are a virtual learner, please join the highlighted class code. If you are a face to face learner, you can join the class for the class period that you have me!

Thu Aug 06 02:50 PM


Remind Class Code

Please use the REMIND APP and texting services at any time if you need to contact me.

TEXT this in the phone number/contact bar:  81010

In the message section of the text, type the following codes:

  • Physical Science Class:  @keedhg